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Ian Robson

Just thought I’d post an update on my progress as it has been one month since I joined MidCon.

I’ve managed to complete the Basic Indoctrination course and I found it very enjoyable so far, ….well except for Meteorology 🙂 , I totally understand how important it is but it’s not a subject that I enjoy.

I’m on the 737 systems course now, but I’ve lost some of my free time so I’m only managing 1 – 2 units per week, …ish. I’m really enjoying this part of the training and I’m using 3 resources for these units, listed below, but I still come across questions which have me scratching my head. I think that’s because I haven’t read the whole FCOM yet.

– FCOM Revision 21 – Jan 2008
– IXO Aviation B737NG Systems course – IXO B737NG Systems
– Angle of Attack B737 Training, which I purchased back in 2012 for the PMDG but never really used it, so pleased to be getting my money’s worth at last. Angle of Attack

I am also enjoying watching FlightDeck2Sim videos on Youtube, which is giving me my flying fix as I find myself studying now instead of flying 🙂

Thanks for listening/reading and do let me know if there are any other avenues for communication within MidCon as it is very quiet here in the Flight Academy 🙂


  • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Ian Robson.

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