What are all you P3D users using for scenery on your routes? I’m looking for good freeware airport options.
Good question..and I have no idea, I haven’t actively searched for freeware airports in years.
Back in the FS98/2000/2004 days I used to scour the Avsim and Flightsim.Com libraries.
I currently have a handful of payware airports and GSX. I started collecting payware airports for P3D during various sales before I made the transition from FSX.
Once FS2020 was announced last year I pretty much stopped investing in P3D add-ons.
GSX provides enough “life” and customization at the default airports to where it’s good enough for me until FS2020 comes along.
I’ve scoured my usual repository at freewarescenery.com, but the ones specifically for P3D are scant and I’m not sure which FSX sceneries easily port over. So I figured I’d pick the collective brains here for what they personally use.
I did purchase good payware for all of our hub cities-
Los Angeles
New York
Kansas City
I have LatinVFR MIA and TropicalSim MCI along with Flightbeam MSP. I also have the excellent freeware SunSkyJet PHL and wish they’d finish their DTW.
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